15+ Village Business Ideas in India

“India is not Calcutta and Bombay; India lives in her seven hundred thousand villages.”             -Mahatma Gandhi



Indian villages are active Treasuries of a wide range of cultures that have stayed the test of time by adjusting to change always while keeping their highly valued customs and facts. Due to the boost use of the internet in rural zones, it is now easier than ever for villagers to launch a thriving online trade without any prior wisdom. This blog will explain several Indian small-village business ideas.

Why start a business in a small village?

The day when it appeared that small enterprises could only thrive in urban settings has long since passed. Setting up a business in a rural region has a lot of promise, and there is a tonne of options to take edge of the rural market. Here are a few of the main advantages:

Finding raw materials is simple. Most likely, the town where your business will be located will have all the raw materials you require, and they will be much more affordable than they would be in urban zones. In comparison to your urban competitor, your overhead costs will be far lower. Rents, labour costs, and utility bills are all relatively cheap in villages. Profits grow when overhead costs are low.

15 Indian village business ideas

Clothing retailer

Clothing Retailer

It is common for villagers to travel to cities to buy ready-to-wear clothing for special events and festivals. Their problem would be solved by opening a clothing store, and they would make a good profit. If you choose to pursue this firm concept, doing a little market research before picking the clothing you’ll stock will pay off in spades.


Chicken farming

Chicken farming

Although it takes time, a chicken farming business offers a fair return on asset. Poultry is in high demand because there are no religious taboos associated with it. You can launch the business in your garden and then grow it into a full-fledged business.


Grain flour mill

Grain flour mill

All year round, there is a significant need for flour across the nation. Purchasing grains and cereals is simple and affordable in villages, so starting a flour mill and selling freshly milled flour can be an excellent business idea. You can gradually move on to grinding spices.




India’s GDP is 4% derived from the dairy industry. All around the country, milk and milk products are utilised for a wide variety of things. The dairy farming sector is experiencing exponential growth, and things will only get better in the years to come. Starting a dairy farming firm would allow you to make good money while improving the lives of countless rural villagers.


Organic fruits and vegetables

Organic fruits and vegetables

This startup concept can succeed if you have access to farmland or can hire farmers on a contract basis to raise your vegetables or fruits. Villagers aren’t accustomed to consuming processed meals. Having access to fresh fruits and vegetables will make life easier for them and more useful for you.




On almost all Indian menus, pickles are a staple dish. All taste senses are catered to with the addition of various flavours and pickling methods. The nicest thing about starting a pickles company is that it can be done from home and needs very little startup money. If you ask us, we think it is a fairly smart business plan.




The taste of papad spread out on large sheets of cloth drying on terraces must be familiar to you. Making papads is a long-standing custom in most communities, and as a business, it gives some women economic freedom. In rural homes, it serves as a secondary source of gain. Setting up a papad-making business is simple, if time-consuming; we suggest it.


Mobile gadgets shop

Mobile gadgets shop

Villages are not an exception to the need for mobile phones today. The phone has evolved into much more than a simple communication device. It looks like a great idea to open a store to meet the villagers’ needs for mobile phones. You won’t face much competition because the need is growing.




Urban Indians have a plethora of snack options, but the rural market for fast snacks is mostly untapped. The options are endless: chips, biscuits. It looks like a great idea to provide packaged snacks that are affordable for the rural population.




For the most part, people in rural areas must travel to nearby towns to buy rare medicines. You will have a profitable business if you can start a medical store that can help with this inconvenience.




Children’s educated development is being stunted in villages due to a lack of highly skilled teachers. Growing a teaching business could be both rewarding and lucrative if you have the right training and abilities to grow a teacher or if you believe you can find people who are competent to do the work. When things are going well, you can gradually boost your manpower from a small starting point.


Thrift shop

Thrift shop

The demand for apparel and accessories has increased as a result of the pandemic. This recent trend has been influenced by thriftiness and a love of simplicity. As a result, there are many new online thrift stores that are growing. Villages can also use this wonderful idea.


Woodwork shop

Woodwork shop

Indian craftsmen have been carving wood for years. Depending on the local wood supply, each part of the nation grew its own unique woodworking plan to have a wide range of antiques, from toys and crafts to furniture and sculptures. These handicrafts are in great need since they are beautiful, useful, and environmentally beneficial. It might be a smart business move to use the local woodworkers’ skills.




India needs alternative fossil fuels due to its expanding oil need and sluggish crude oil production. Certain seeds that contain oil can be mixed with fuel to make biodiesel. Atrophy seeds are frequently employed in the process, and villages are rife with their growth. Therefore, picking a biodiesel shop in a hamlet is a smart move.


Beauty parlour 

Beauty parlour 

The beauty drive is one of the better sectors that has never had a fall, despite the pandemic’s peak. Clients these days pick at-home services including waxing, pedicures, manicures, facials, and other services. Because beauticians can provide clients with a mixture of services right at their doorsteps, at-home beauty salons are a rising trend.




Candle sales are bursting right now, and you can get in on the action! Candles can be created in a huge variety of styles, including scented candles, coloured candles, candles in all different sizes and shapes, and candles for special occasions. All you have to do is buy the equipment you need to start your business and, if you haven’t already, sign up for a quick candle-making course. While you’re doing it, think about designing wax seals to distinguish yourself from the competition. Thus, this is a fantastic business idea.


In the end

You can get inspiration from these successful small village business ideas in India for your future ventures. When villagers have the opportunity to start their own enterprises, they will be less likely to move to cities in search of a better living. They will then work to increase the village’s economic viability. Just a few of the hand-selected business ideas are included in the list you see above. If you have the will and skills, you can investigate hundreds more.

The days of having to make significant rent and overhead investments are long gone. It’s simpler than ever to launch a village business today. People can now start their businesses fast and with less money thanks to e-commerce. The only thing left to do is set up your online store on an e-commerce platform once you have decided on a company plan and made arrangements for all the needed foundational parts to launch the firm. You made the right choice if you chose to launch your online business on OrderZ!

Vahitha Yasar

Web content writer at OrderZ, excelling in blog writing, proofreading, and creating engaging web content. Her versatile skills extend to crafting impactful social media posts and effective email marketing content for a comprehensive online presence.